Interfaith & Coexistence

Long-term collaborations between musicians who come from different backgrounds and other worldview hardly exist.
The musicians express a strong desire to work and create a voice of coexistence, but most of the cooperation is halted due to lack of funding and external difficulties that undermine the desire to work together.  The lack of artistic musical cooperation between such groups is a sin to the reality in which many musicians seek paths and channels to work together and to express the voice of artistic coexistence. The media is full of horror stories, bad news, conflict coverage. This project wishes to show the other side, of the untold moving stories of the people who try hard to build a bridge in a long-term working relation

Diwan Saz

The Diwan Saz Interfaith Ensemble, embodies this
philosophy through its repertoire of authentic folk and
classical music of the Middle East performed by some of
the most respected Jewish, Muslim and Christian
musicians in the region. As musicians, artists and teachers
these musicians combine their many years of commitment to their art and their communities and bring out a “world
class” level of music that exemplifies the power music can have to unite people of different faiths and backgrounds.

Eran Zamir & George Kandaladt

a duo collaboration of a Jewish and Arab oud players.
Eran & George met at the music academy of Haifa.
They enjoyed practicing together and decided to keep on
their musical friendship long after they finished their
studies at the music academy.


Quartetoukan is an exciting musical project that brings
together cultures and people through songs and melodies.
The project grew out of a collaboration among four musicians
of various backgrounds and cultures. By listening to their
music one can pass through a type of musical journey that
mirrors the multicultural Israeli society of today. From this journey stems a cultural richness – a basis for for dialogue
and for human harmony.

In the shadow of the Arab-Israeli conflict, many musicians, Arabs, Jews, Palestinians and Israelis, Muslims and Christians
are constantly trying hard to create, play, perform and make their voice heard. A voice of hope, optimism, sanity and
mutual understanding. The voice that bridges the divide between people of different backgrounds;
The circumstances and complex reality make it challenging to establish long-term continuous relations.
With no support, most of the groups give up to economic, geographical, ideologic difficulties and sadly stop their activity.