Trade fair Exposure

Lisbon, Portugal
The Israeli booth at WOMEX 2022
Helsinki, Finland
Israeli booth at WOMEX 2019
Katowice, Poland
The Israeli booth at WOMEX 2017
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
The Israeli booth and WOMEX 2016

Presenting at international trade fairs 

The presentation of an Israeli pavilion at the largest and most important trade fairs in the world

began thanks to the independent initiative of Music Port’s musicians.

With the support of the Dalia and Eli Hurvitz Foundation, Sagol family, the Mifal HaPais Council

for the Culture and Arts and other philanthropists, the musicians have managed to produce their

presentation at international fairs.

Having presentation at international trade fairs is crucially important.

Trade fairs and expo events are attended by festival directors, program managers, booking agents, artistic directors,

media professionals, bloggers, music journalists, representatives of municipalities and governmental cultural export

organizations, musicians and music lovers from all over the world.

At expo events connections are built, concerts and tours and booked and a network for international

activities is created.  Most countries in the world proudly set up a pavilion for their musicians.

During nine years of activity an Israeli pavilion was part of the international exposure scene.  Israeli music was presented at:

Jazzahead – world’s most important Jazz trade fair

Womex –  in Spain, Finland, Hungary, Poland, Portugal

Arts Midwest – USA

Babel Med – France

Fira Mediterranean – Spain

Mundial Montreal – Canada